Taiwanese Step by Step
for Taiwanese Americans |
svix ~ . Goar kiorzox
Ciaf si ~. Hiaf mxsi ~. Lie svix symmih? Y kiorzox symmih? Goar kiox y laai. Y to laai. Y laai ciaf. Ar yi khix hiaf. |
sirname is ~. My first
name is ~.
Here is ~, There is not ~. What is your sirname? What is his name? I call him to come. Then he comes. He comes here. And she goes there. |
Vocabulary and Pronunciation:
goar [goa+] { I }; lie [li+] { you }; y [!i] { he }; yi [!i] { she }; svix [svi] {surname}; svix ~ [svi+ ~] {surnamed as ~}; kiox [kio]{to call, to order}; kiorzox ~ [kio+tso+ ~] {be named as ~}; ciaf [cia] {here}; hiaf [hia] {there}; symmih [simmih] {what}; ar [!a+] {and}; ar ~ [!a ~ ] {and ~}; laai [la^ai] {to come}; laai ~ [lai ~] {to come ~}; khix [ki] {to go}; khix ~ [ki+ ~ ] {to go ~} |
Text and Exercise of Lesson 2 |
svix Laau.
Goar kiorzox Bengzhofng. . . Or, lie si Laau+Siensvy, Bengzhofng Hviaf. . . Chviar lie, kiox goar a'Zhofng to hor. . . Ciaf si Tailaam. Chviaf'mng, lie boeq khix tofui? .. . Goar thau'cidpae laai Tailaam, mxzay tioh khix tofui ciaq hor. .. . Chviar lie, kab goar laai. Goar pox lie ze kongchiaf. Lie khvoax loxsvoax-pior, ar boeq khix tofui, to ze kaux tofui. . . Afnny, hvor. Cyn-tosia! |
svix Laau
as Laau},
kiorzox Bengzhofng [kio+tso+ bengtsong]{called as Bengzhofng}, Bengzhofng Hviaf [bengtsong hvia]{Brother Bengzhofng}, chviar lie [cvia li+] {if you please}, kiox goar [kio+goa+]{call me}, to hor [to ho+] {it's all right}, chviaf'mng [cviamng]{by the way}, boeq khix tofui? [boeq ki+ touui]{wish to go where?}, thau'cidpae [tau cidpai+] {for the first time}, laai Tailaam [lai taila^am]{came Tailaam}, mxzay [mmtsai] {I don't know}, tioh khix tofui [tiohki+ touui]{should go where}, kab goar [kab goa+] {with me}, pox [po] {to inform}, ze [tse] {to sit, to take a drive}, pox lie[po+ li+] {to show you}, ze kongchiaf [tse kongcia]{to take the bus}, khvoax [kvoa] {to see, to look}, loxsvoax-pior [losvoa+pio+]{route table}, khvoax ~ [kvoa+ ~] {to look at ~}, kaux [kau] {to, till}, kaux tofui [kau+ touui] {to where}, afnny hvox[!anni hvo] {oh, it is so}, cyn-tosia [cin tosia] {thank you very much} |
si haghau.
Si Zhoax Lauxsw ee haghau. . Hiaf si kaoseg. Si Thiaobuo-khox ee kaoseg. . Cit'ee toaxlaau si thefiogkoarn. Tosukoarn ti hitpeeng. . Haghau koex+khix, to u iukiok kab pvixvi. . Pahhoex-kongsy ti tofui? . Pahhoex-kongsy ti khaq-khix hitpeeng. Larn boeq ti hiaf loqchiaf. . Laize! Lirn boeq khvoax symmih? . Zapof-laang ee svaf paai ti tofui? . Goarn-ciaf teq boe zabor-laang ee svaf kab gyn'ar-svaf. Zapof-laang-svaf ti lauterng. . Larn laikhix khvoax zapof-svaf. Hef boti laukhaf, si ti lauterng. Larn kirn-laikhix. . Hor, larn laikhix khvoax. |
si haghau [si haghau]{is a school}, Zhoax Lauxsw [tsoa+ lausu] {Teacher Zhoax}, kaoseg [kau+seg]{classroom}, thiaobuo-khox [tiau+bu+ko] {dance lesson}, cit'ee toaxlaau [cit!e toala^au]{this building}, thefiogkoarn [te!iogkoan+] {gymnasium}, tosukoarn [tosukoan+] {library}, ti hitpeeng [ti hitpe^eng]{is located that side}, koex+khix [koe+ki]{passing by}, to u ~ [to !u ~] {then there will be}, iukiok [!iukiok] {post office}, kab ~ [kab ~ ]{and ~, with ~}, pvixvi [pvivi] {hospital}, pahhoex-kongsy [pahhoe+kongsi]{department store}, haq-khix [kaqki] {go through}, larn [lan+] {we (including you)}, boeq ti hiaf [boeq ti hia] {want to be there}, loqchiaf [loqcia] {to get off the bus}, laize [laitse]{come in please}, lirn [lin+] {you (pl)}, boeq khvoax ~ [boeq kvoa+ ~] {want to see ~}, zapof-laang [tsapo la^ang]{gentlemen}, svaf [sva]{clothes}, paai [pa^ai] {to display}, paai ti ~ [pai ti ~]{to display at ~}, goarn-ciaf [goancia] {this place of us}, teq boe [teq boe]{being sold}, zabor-laang [tsabola^ang] {ladies}, gyn'ar-svaf [gin!asva]{clothes for children}, lauterng [lauteng+] {upstairs}, laikhix [laiki]{go together}, laikhix ~ [laiki+]{let's go to ~}, boti laukhaf [boti lauka] {not at the downstairs}, larn laikhix khvoax [lan+ laiki+ kvoa]{let's go and see} |