ee Bang
F.0 .1 ..2..3 ...4..5...6...7... 8 9..10.. 11.. 12.. 13 ..14 |
1300 ( 1301 . (
Olor kab Hoe'exng
"Thaix-hofthviaf^aq! Thaix-hofthviaf^aq!" Tngf
hiah'ee ciaw'ar chviuokoaf sioftheeng ee sii, sior-khiekiuu ciu afnny toaxsviaf
hoaq^zhutlaai. Hiah'ee ciaw'ar thviatioh sior-khiekiuu afnny
ka yn olor, taikef ciu
1311 (
Sior-khiekiuu koq korng: "Goar si Sior-khiekiuu. Goar
tuy sviachi laai. Goar ti hiaf sor bad thviafkvix ee, si zhuoterng ee cid'nngxciaq zhuokag-ciaw'ar teq togchviux. Yn ee sviaf iuo'iuo'ar, suisii to boo^khix." U cidciaq ng'efng zhutlaai korng: "Tioh laq! Goar bad khix sviachi, ti hiaf goar mxzay ui-symmih lieen goar-kaki chviux^zhudlaai ee koasviaf kaki to thviaf-boexzhengzhor." |
1321 (
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Sior-khhiekiuu ka yn korng: "Lirn cviaa-hexnghog.
Lirn oextaxng ti toa-zuxjieen ee laixbin, zux'iuu-zuxzai, koq u chiuxnaa ee imgak-thviaf, u ciahniq'zoe ee peng'iuo, svakab zorhoea laai chviuokoaf! Lirn si khoaelok ee thienzaai-koachiuo boo uxlaang thafng kab lirn svapie." Yn-hiah'ee ciaw'ar thviatioh sior-khiekiuu ee oe, ciu hvoahie, koq tidtit-tarmthaau, korng: "Si^aq, si^aq. Larn si khoaelok ee koachiuo!". |
1331 (
In'ui yn thaix-hvoahie, ciu tangzoee poef^khylaai, ar
hiah'ee chiuxky ia ioo^khylaai, Citsii, sior-khiekiuu hutjieen kafmkag sengkhw u khinsafng^khylaai. Khix ho chiuxky giab^teq ee thaau, tvaf oe tyntang. Y korng: "Goar oe tyntang laq! Goar oe tyntang laq!" Hiah'ee ciaw'ar thviaf^tioh, ciu poef^tngflaai, ar korng, "Lie ia boeq chinchviu goarn khoaelok, ar thafng zux'iuu laai poef." Ciu u nngxciaq, ka sior-khiekiuu giab ti tiong'ngf poef^khylaai. |
1341 |
Hit'ee khurn ti chiuxky ee svoax, suxluhlw^cid'e, ciu
kaki thao^khylaai. Sior-khiekiuu cincvia zux'iuu laq! Y ciu koq poef^khylix, poef^khylix. Hiah'ee ciaw'ar to lorng poef-lohlaai chiuxterng, hioxng sior-khiekiuu kiorkorng: "Cicici ciuhciuh, cicici ciuhciuh!" Sior-khiekiuu thviazay yn ee iesux, ciu ia oadthaau ka yn korng: "Zaehoe! zaehoe! lirn tioh hofhor poftiong!" |
1400 (
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Zux'iuu ee Thienkhofng
. "Ui-symmih sviachi^nih ee ciaw'ar boextaxng khoaelok?" Sior-khiekiuu un'ar poef^khylix ciu un'ar sviu. "Yn nar boextaxng chinchviu cit'ee chiuxnaa-lai ee ciaw'ar ciahniq'hoadphoad? Yn ee simlai kafmboo u siosiang ee byhor ee soanlut? Yn nar boextaxng ciofng hit'ee, chviux^zhutlaai?" |
1411 . ( 1412 |
Sior-khiekiuu juo-poef juo-koaan. Toexbin ee zhanhngg, chiuxnaa,
kab khoe'ar lorng juo-laai juo-soex.
Y tvaf oe khvoarkaux hngxhng. Y thafng khvoartioh y poef^laai ee hitpeeng, ia oexthafng khvoartioh y boeq poef^khix ee thauzeeng. Jidthaau khie^laai ee tangpeeng, u cidteeng koq cidteeng ee svoameh, ar lexnggoa hitpeeng si kofngkhoaq ee hay'viuu. |
1421 (
Sior-khiekiuu tvaf lorng thafng kvoarkaux cviaa-zhengzhor. Y sviuxkhie
sviachi-lai ee hiah'ee
zhux, ia ciu sviuxtioh ti hiah'ee zhux ee laixbin ee gyn'ar kab zhuoterng ee exbin ee zhuokag-ciaw'ar. Sior-khiekiuu thox cid'ee khuix, korng, "Poef^laikhix, poef^laikhix. Thienkhofng ciahniq'khoaq, kuozai larn thafng poef. Ti ciaf thafng khvoarkvix kofngkhoaq ee seakaix. "Poef^laikhix, poef^laikhix, ciaf si zux'iuu ee thienkhofng." |