Chemistry Research Papers & Books
by Dr. K-H Liim

(Dr. K-H Liim published all his research accomplish-
ments with his Mandarine Chinese name of C-H Lin (Chi-Hsiung Lin) including his PhD paper at the Case-Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. ) 

<Paper,1952 > Ultraviolet Absorption of Flavone
      Series.I. Spectra of  Halo-flavones. J.Formosan
      Sci., 6,81 (1952)
<Paper,1954 > Recent Advances in the Flavonoid
      Chem. (I) J.Formos.Sci., 7, 37/I).J.Formos.Sci.
      , 8, 27. 
<Paper,1957 > A Study on Taiwan Zirconium Ores.
       Proc.Indus.Res., 6, 53 (1957). 
{Book,1958} 基 礎 化 學 論 中 文 606頁 
{Book1964}量 子 化 學 導 論 中 文 312頁 
{Book,1962} 近 世 有 機 化 學 (上) 中 文 320頁
         / (1963) 近 世 有 機 化 學 (下) 
<Paper,1963>3) LCAO-MO Energy Levels of Open-Chain
        Pi-Orbitals. J.Chineswe Chem.Soc., 10, 218. 
<Paper, 1968>(1968) Friedel-Crafts omerization.
        XVI. Aluminum chloride Catalyzed somerization
        of Cyclopropyl carbinyl and Cyclobutyl 
        Chlorides.  J.American Chem.Soc., 90, 6468
<Paper, 1970> Electronic Structure and Spectra
       of flavoneProc.Natl. Sci.Council (Taiwan),4,
<Paper, 1974 > A Primary Step Toward Computer
       Chemisry,.Kagaku no Ryoiki (Japan), 28, 771. 
<Paper, 1976 > Empirical Clausius-Clapeyron
       Coefficient. Proc.Natl.Sci.Council (Taiwan),
<Paper, 1977 > 1. Chemical Material Retrieval
       System for Desk Calculator.roc.Natl.Sci.Council
       (Taiwan), 9, 341.
       2.Computer Readable Chemical Database and Its
       Retrieval System. Proc.Workshop Database
       Management, 103. 
       3.Representation-Space Transformation for the
       Display of Multi-variate Chemical Information,        Analytical Chemistry (U.S.A.) 49, 1357.
       4.Display of Scientific Information. Computer         Quarterly, 11, 1. Learning Machine. A Binary
         Classifier for Patterns of Minority Class.           Proc.Internatl.Comput.Symp., 2, 505. 
<Paper, 1978 > 1.  SEFLIN -- Separate Feature Linear
       Notation System for Chemical Compounds.J.Chem.
       Inf.Comput.Sci.,(U.S.A.) 18,41.
       2. Chemical Inference Based on SEFLIN.
       I.Basic Cognizance of Molecular Shape,
       Fragments, and Atomic Environment of Organic         Compoudns.J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci.18,47.(U.S.A.)
       3. A New Numerical Method for Automated 
       Spectral solution of Component Substances in a
       Set of Mixtures. J.Chinese Chem.Soc., 26, 167 
<Paper, 1979> Automated Spectrophotometric 
       Estimation of Composition in Mixtures of 
       Totally Unknown Components.Proc.Natl.Sci.
       Council, ROC, 3,1. 
<Paper, 1981> A SEFLIN Compiler -- Automatic 
       Syntactic Analysis of Separate Feature Linear 
       Notation of Chemical Compoudns. 
       Natl.Sci.Council,5, 165. 
{Book,1981} 化學品 電腦資訊明碼 SEFLIN 
       中英文 74頁 
<Paper,1982 > Generallized Variation Theory -- A 
        New Direct, Numerical Method for the Solu-
        tion of General Eigenvalue-Eigenvector 
        Equation. Chinese Chem.Soc.,29, 1. 
<Paper, 1983> Food Additives Retrieval System for
        APPLE II Microcomputer. Sci.Develop.
        , Monthly, 11,1177. 
{Book, 1983} EDUTECH電腦 輔 助 教 學 法
         中 文 90頁
Chemistry Books Published by Dr. Liim

(1958)基 礎 化 學 論
(1964)量 子 化 學 導 論

Since leaving his chemistry laboratory, Dr. Liim involved himself into the study of Taiwanese Linguistics.   The publication then after were all in this field. → http:/

Chemistry Research Papers and Books by Dr. K-H Liim                     2008