Taiwanese Language Book 
for Hearing Impaired Persons in Tainan
聲 暉 台 語 課 本
林 理 智* 編  by Lisa Liim
   . 聲暉台語課本< e 言 >  .● to EDUTECH 
往   第一課, 第二課, 第三課, 第四課, 第五課, 第六課
Introduction:  Taiwanese Language has several main deviation in regions of Taiwan.   Children

and hard-of-hearing persons should be taught only their native tongues of the region, so the literal education must be in accord with those varied tongues.   This course of Taiwanese language is for hearing impared persons in Tainan, a Southern city of Taiwan, which was once the capital of this country.  This project is promoted by the Senghui Association.  The main objective is to train those children and hard-of-hearing persons the oral ability by TMSS in order to make them able to talk with proper sound. 

. a b c d . e f g
字母名 [a] [by] [cy] [ied] . [e] [eff] [gi]
. h i j k . l m n
字母名 [hy] [i] [ji] [ky] . [ly] [my] [ny]
. o o p q . r s t
字母名 [o] [o] [py] [kiuq] . [ar] [sy] [ty]
. u v w x . y z  
字母名 [u] [viw] [w] [ex] . [y] [zef]   .
ch kh ph th zh . ~m ~n ~ng
字母名 [chy] [khy] [phy] [thy] [zhef] . [am] [in] [eng]
~h ~k ~t ~p . ~q ~g ~d ~b
字母名 [ah] [ak] [at] [ap] . [eq] [eg] [ed] [eb]

Taiwanese Text for Hard-of-Hearing Persons (Tainan)           by Madam Liim (2002/1/20)
介  紹:
. . 林理智女士, 豐原市人, 1939年生, 畢業於台中女中,東海大學, 擔任過高雄醫學院及淡江大學助教職, 1968年遊美, 回國後從事公益事工多年, 1987年擔任育德資訊公司董事長, 1993年起擔任台南市聲暉協進會理事長, 此間亦往澳洲研習人工電子耳技術, 現任該協進會常務理事, 也擔任財團法人育德文教基金會總幹事。 隨丈夫林繼雄博士研發台語現代文教學法, 特精於聽障兒童之口語訓練。 本教材是其在台南市教導6~15歲聽障兒童發聲說台語的實際課本之前幾課; 注重於口腔發聲機能的程序訓練
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