Pronunciation of Taiwanese Word in TMSS
with  Phonetogram
 A new-hand in TMSS will find it easier to read by writing a separator ( ' ) before every consonant letter in the Taiwanese word.
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Phonetogram is a modern diagramatic phonetics by arranging vowels at proper 
position that expresses whether it is to be pronounted in ordinary height, elevated hight, or lowered height.   In the following tables, phonetogram is given with red characters.

Unaspirated consonants (Round consonants)
 . b~
[b~]. English : . bad, basket, big, bill, book, bush, beg, better, boy, about, cabinet,

 .  .  .  .  .  . about, cabinet, stable, tribune, inbed, aboard, stubborn, brother
 .  .  .  Japanese: . obasan, oba'asan, bo'ia, obake
 . c~[c~]. English: . cicisbe'o .  . German: Cicero, circa, cis, cirto .

 .  .  . Japanese: . ci'isai, aira, kocira, gocisoo .  . 
[g~]. English: . gas, gun, give, gift, good, get, god, go, gone, girl, glider,  great,again, ago

 .  .  .   German: . guten Morgen .  . Japanese: gocisoo
 . j~[j~]. English: . just, jazz, jigsaw, jealous, jelly, joy, joint, ajar

 .  .  . Japanese:  . ajinomoto, ojisan, oji'isan, ojiorcian 
 . k~[k~]. English: . broken, waiking, taking, broken, walkway, ski, skill
 . l~ [l~] . English: . liberty, lubricant, lesson, lobby, allow, glass, slope, only,slowly
 . m~[m~]. English: . margine, mistress, moon, Mecca, Mongol, monkey, amount
 . n~ [n~] . English: . Napoleon, Nipple, noon, net, nonsence, another, anybody,  snow
 . p~[p~]. English: . apple, supper, happiness, copy, Nepal, Apollo, spot, apron, spy

 . s~[s~]. English: . Sunday, sister, soup, set, society, smooth, aspirin
 . t~[t~]. English: . metallic, notebook, atom, meticulour, category, saturate, history

 . z~[ts~]. German: . Zauber, zehn, zusammen, Zorn

Aspirated consonants (Sharp consonants)
 . ch~
[c~]. English: . chicken, chief, cheer, cheese, child
 . h~ [h~]..  English: . have, history, hood, head, hostile, hot

 . kh~[k~]. . English: . [kh~]  key, king, Khan, khaddal, khaki, khalifa,   khamsin, Khud

 . ph~[p~]. . English: . [ph~]  pay, put, pant, picture, speak, pool, profit,  population

 . th~ [t~]. . English: . [th~]  tea, tie, tone, Thames, thym
 .  .  .  . German: . Thema, Thales, Thor
[ts~].  .  . 
Nasal consonants
 . v~ .  . cv~ .  . chv~ .  . gv~ .  . kv~ .  . khv~ . ¡@pv~ .  . phv~ .  . sv~ .

 .  .  .  . tv~¡@¡@thv~¡@¡@zv~ .  . zhv~

Low stops
~b[~b].  .  .  .~d[~d]  .  .  .  . ~g [~g] .  .  .  . ~q [~q]

High stops
~p [~p] .  .  .  . ~t [~t] .  .  .  . ~k [~k]  .  .  .   ~h [~h].

 Vowels in spelling and in phonetogram
  Only "o" in spelling has two different sounds, i.e.
ordinary [o] and the Ciangciw-related sound of [o].   
Vowels of fundamental tone   [!] represents a consonant.
 . a [!a][!ai]. au[!au]. am[!am]. an[!an]. ang[!ang].  .  . e[!e]. eng[!eng]

 . i[!i] .ia[!ia] .iau[!iau] .io[!io] .iu[!iu] .im[!im] .in[!in] .iang[!iang] .iong[!iong] .ien[!ien].
 . o[!o] .oa[!oa]oai[!oai]oe[!oe]ong[!ong]oan[!oan]  o[!o] oe[!oe](= oeor .e)
 . u[!u] .ui[!ui] .un[!un] ..  . m[!m] .ng[!ng] .¡@ 
Vowels of raised tone
af [!a] ..ay [!ai] .aw [!au] .afm [!am] .afn [!an] .afng [!ang] .  . ef [!e] .efng [!eng]

 . y [!i] ..iaf [!ia] .iaw [!iau] .iof [!io] .iw [!iu] .ym [!im] .yn [!in] .iafng [!iang] .iofng [!iong] . iefn [!ien] .
 . of [!o] ..oaf [!oa] oay [!oai] oef [!oe] ofng [!ong] oafn [!oan]  .  . of [!o] oef [!oe]
 . w [!u] [!ui]wn [!un] .  . mf [!m]  .  . ngf [!ng]
Vowels of pushed-up tone 
ar [!a+] [!a+i] .ao [!au+] .arm [!am+] .arn [!an+] .arng [!ang+] .  . ea [!e+] .erng [!eng+]

 . ie [!i+] ..iar [!ia+] .iao [!iau+] .ior [!io+] .iuo [!iu+] .irm [!im+] .irn [!in+] .iarng [!iang+] .iorng [!iong+] . iern [!ien+]
 . or [!o+] .oar [!oa+] oae [!oai+] oea [!oe+] orng [!ong+] oarn [!oan+]  .or [!o+] oea [!oe+]
 . uo [!u+] ..uie [!ui+] urn [!un+] .  . mr [!m+]  .  . ngr [!ng+]
Vowels of pushed-down tone
ax [!a] ..aix [!ai] .aux [!au] .axm [!am] .axn [!an] .axng [!ang] .  . ex [!e] .exng [!eng]

 . ix [!i] ..iax [!ia] .iaux [!iau] .iox [!io] .iux [!iu] .ixm [!im] .ixn [!in] .iaxng [!iang] .ioxng [!iong] . iexn [!ien]
 . ox [!o] ..oax [!oa] oaix [!oai] oex [!oe] oxng [!ong] oaxn [!oan]  .  . ox [!o] oex [!oe]
 . ux [!u] ..uix [!ui] uxn [!un] .  . mx [!m]  .  . ngx [!ng]

Vowels of bend tone 
aa [!a^a] ..aai[!a^i]. aau[!a^u]. aam[!a^m]. aan[!a^n]. aang[!a^ang].  .  . ee[!e^e]. eeng[!e^eng]

 . ii[!i^i] .iaa[!ia^a] .iaau[!ia^u] .ioo[!io^o] .iuu[!iu^i] .iim[!^iim] .iin[!i^n] .iaang[!ia^ang] .ioong[!io^ong] .ieon[!ie^en].
 . oo[!o^o] .oaa[!oa^a]oaai[!oa^i]oee[!oe^e]oong[!o^ong]oaan[!oa^an]  oo[!o^o] .oee[!oe^e](= oeore)
 . uu[!u^u] .uii[!u^i] .uun[!u^un] ..  . mm[!m^m] .ngg[!ng^g]
EDUTECH:English-Taiwanese Dictionary .  .  .  .  . by Prof. Liim K. H.