How to change your Church Romanized Sentence into Modern Literal Taiwanese?
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第一步: 更改下表的基本單字

           Step 1: Substitute following basic words.
(e5,)→ ee
(ka7,把,給)→ ka 
(na7,若,如果)→ na 
(ti7,在,於)→ ti
(kap4,和,與)→ kab
(koh4,)→ koq 
(chiah4,)→ ciaq 
(teh4,正在)→ teq
(tioh8,必須)→ tioh
(a2,)→ ar
(m7-ku2,可是)→ mxkuo
(chiu7,)→ ciu
(to7,)→ to 
(long2,攏,都,)→ lorng
(to1,都,總是)→ tof 
(ia7,)→ ia 
(ma7,同樣也)→ ma
(bat4,曾經,認識)→ bad
(soah4,完成)→ soaq 
(soa3,結果)→ soax 
(ia2-si7,或是)→ iafsi
(an2-ni1,按呢)→ afnny
(boeh4,要,欲)→ boeq
(bo5-boeh4,不要)→ boboeq
(thang1,)→ thafng
(oe7,能,會)→ oe
(boe/be,不會)→ boe 
(m7-thang1,不可)→ mxthafng
(m7-tioh8,不對)→ mxtioh
(iau2,)→ iao 
(iau2-ku2,依然)→ iawkuo
(goa2, )goar
(li2,)→ lie
(i1,)→ y
(i1,)→ yi
(goan2,我們)→ goarn
(lan2,咱們)→ larn
(lin2,你們)→ lirn
(in1,他們)→ yn
(chia1,這裡)→ ciaf
(hia1,那裡)→ hiaf 
(che1,這個)→ zef
(chit4 e5,遮個)→cit'ee
(chiah4 e5,這些)ciah'ee
(he1,那個)→ hef 
(hit8 e5,那個)→ hit'ee
(hiah4 e5,那些)→hiah'ee
(tioh8,須,對)→ tioh
(u7,)→ u
(bo5,沒有)→ boo
(siu7,)→ siu
(ai3-boeh4,想要,欲)→ aeboeq
(u7-e5,有些)→ ux'ee
(na-si7,若是)→ naxsi
(kaN2,)→ kvar
(m7-kaN2,不敢)→ mxkvar
(ai3,愛,想要)→ aix
(bo5-ai3,不愛)→ bo'aix
(bai2,不好,醜)→ bae
(phaiN2,兇,壞)→ phvae
(chai1,知道)→ zay
(kiaN5,行走)→ kviaa
(chau2,)→ zao
第二步: 剩餘的單字,請改用漢字辭
           Step 2: Substitute remained words into Chinese letters
第三步: 如果對如此造出來的音漢混合文不滿意,請利用本網站的
           Step 3: If you are not satisfied with the Mixed sentence
                     thus produced,please change the Chinese words into
                     Modern Taiwanese words by searching the dictionary
                     supplied in this website.
 [註] 本辭典必須以辭前漢字的靠近語音來查辭。請參考→
如何將你的教會羅馬字白話文改寫為台語現代文?               林繼雄  2003/11/21